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General Store and Lounge

General Store Checkout Area

General Store

​The store at Easley Hot Springs stocks a fun assortment of treats, ice creams, and toys. We also carry a few sundry items, including ice and firewood that may be needed on a recreational outing.


From ice-cream bars to suntan lotion to T-shirts, there is something for everyone. 

Whether you live nearby or are visiting from far away, our friendly staff will make you feel right at home!

snacks ice cream store

Lounge and Game Area

Lounge & Game Corner

​Tired of the playing and relaxing in our pools?  Inside the store is a comfortable lounge corner where you can kick back on the couch, play a board game with a friend, or complete one of our many puzzles.

Locker Room & Showers

Swimmers are provided with baskets to keep your belonging together and more secure. Our Locker rooms offer restrooms, showers, and an open-format changing area.


Recreationists can also purchase use of the showers

lounge board games
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